Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today Jacob turns 8. It's kind of crazy to think about having an 8 year old! 8 years ago I don't think I really thought about having an 8 year old. In all reality at the time, I probably didn't think much past the baby's next feeding, next diaper change or how engorged I was. But today he's 8...and yet all those new baby concerns feel like only days ago, I still remember them all so clearly.

Of course this year J's birthday falls on a "daddy day" and I was a bit concerned that I wouldn't get to talk to him today because his father is always so great about letting me talk to the boys when they are with him. But this morning he called me, all he said was "Hi" and I knew what he was waiting for. I wished him happy birthday and then again he was silent. I asked him if he was ok and in his usual J manner said "yup" I knew what he was going to ask because he asks the same thing every year on his birthday, just normally he's with me for that day. A few more moments of silence and then we had this conversation:

J: Mom, tell me what time I was born at?
Me: 5:26am
J: in the morning?
Me: yes, in the morning!
J: Tell me how long you were awake for before I was born?
Me: the whole day before and the whole night before.
J: Tell me who was there
Me: well, everybody. Everybody was so excited to meet you that they all waiting at the hospital with me until you got here. Daddy was there. Grammie and Poppa, Sissy, Nanna and Grandpa. Even Dr. Millar stayed all night just to meet you.
J: how happy were you when I finally was born?
Me: J, mommy was so happy that she thought her heart was going to explode with happy.

Every year on the boys birthdays I tell them the story of the day they were born and we look at pictures of when they were babies. I figured with J being at his dad's and being an 8 year old boy he would probably just forget, I mean many times does a kid want to hear the same story??? But I guess he likes hearing "his story" as much as I like telling it. Telling a story about the day your world changed forever is a great thing to be able to's even more amazing when someone else wants to hear it just as much.

Happy Birthday Jacob, mommy loves you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vacation - Day 6

Our last full day of's amazing how quickly a week of vacation goes by. A week of work? That drags on forever! A week of spending time with your children? Files by before you even know it!

We had been debating on what to do for our last day of vacation...we are trying to not spend too much money but at the same time A and I really wanted to make it a great week for the boys. After getting some bad news on Wednesday evening we decided to just go for it and make the most of our time in Toronto. So another morning up bright and early and we headed out to Wonderland.

There is SO much that I could write about this day but I'm still not sure how to really put into words this day in particular. This day (for me anyways) ended up being so much more than just a really fun day at an amusement park...this day we felt like a real family for the first time ever. I didn't feel like we were playing family, we just were one. And so our day at Wonderland was fun, and I have tons of great memories of the boys playing at the HUGE waterpark, going on rollercoasters and doing a mini bungee jump. But I have even better memories of us as a family and those memories are impossible to photograph or put into a creative is a day that I will treasure forever.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Vacation - Day 5

If you know me (and my boys) you know that I make a point of never making plans early in the morning unless absolutely necessary. Mainly because we are not morning people, by that I mean none of us are horribly pleasant before 9am...and lots of caffeine!

However, today as an exception we headed out to Oakville to have our pictures taken by my good friend Meghan. Huge plug for Meghan Liddle Photography here ( ...she is AMAZING! If you are in the Toronto area check her me. So Meghan met up with us at a beautiful park in Oakville, right along the water. If we were able to move to Toronto I would move to this particular part of Oakville, it was absolutely gorgeous. Oh, A would want me to remind you that we would both need some pretty spectacular jobs in order for us to AFFORD to buy a house there...but we could always just camp out in one of their beautiful parks! Meghan did a great job at keep the boys involved and excited about having their pictures taken and got (what I think) are some pretty great shots. We should have them back soon and I will post a few for everyone to see.

After our photo shoot we headed out to Niagara on the Lake. It was a bit longer of a drive than I had remembered and by this point the boys were tired of being stuck in a car so the details of that particular drive are currently being wiped from my memory. We had a great picnic when we arrived and let the boys blow off some steam by throwing rocks at seagulls. Really they were throwing rocks at the water...I think a few seagulls just happened to get in the way!

Unfortunately though eventually you have to get home...and the boys were not happy about that! Who can blame them though? It's tough for anyone to sit in a car for long periods of time...let alone three boys crammed in the back seat of a Honda Civic! Before we go on vacation next year we have promised the boys we will buy a bigger car...or a bus!

Vacation - Day 4 yesterday I was too tired by the end of the day to write about what we did...and of course now I can't remember what we did yesterday. That's what happens when you have 3 children in 4 loose your mind!

Ok's coming to me....or not. Apparently whatever we did yesterday during the day wasn't all that interesting, or at least not interesting enough to remind in my brain for more than 5 minutes!

We did go to a Blue Jays game, against the New York Yankees. The boys had a pretty good time, that's to say that J had an amazing time and the other two had fun playing their Gameboys at a baseball stadium. Unfortunately the combination of excitement and too many Fuzzy Peaches was too much for T...he puked on the lovely couple in front of us. Yes, you read that right...he puked, everywhere. And by every where I mean EVERYWHERE. There was a trail from our seats to the bathroom, and then a horror scene in the bathroom. Then the two of us headed back to our seats where A was shamelessly hanging his head hoping people didn't think he was with us and T fell asleep. His puked on clothes against my puked on clothes...we must have smelled great to the people around us...and then he fell asleep. Out cold, unconscious asleep. So we all enjoyed the rest of the game (5 more innings!) and then I realized that we still had to get home. We had to walk the 15 city blocks to get there. Oops! I hadn't really thought so far ahead to think about what we would do if someone fell asleep, and knowing my children and their ability to fall asleep just about anywhere, I should have thought that far ahead!

So we headed out on our adventure home...2 adults (one stinking of puke), one puke covered sleeping 5 year old, a 6 year old with a flashlight (for safety!) and an almost 8 year old who couldn't stop laughing at the transvestite that we passed as we left the stadium. All I can say is it was a rather humorous walk home. Oh...and result of carrying a 48lb child 12 blocks? Numb arms and wrenched lower case you were wondering.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Vacation - Day 3

Today was not a day of huge plans, but just a take it easy kind of day...because isn't that what vacations are all about? A and I were both saying to eachother today that we're going to need a vacation from our vacation!

The boys (all 4 of them!) spent the first part of the morning killing cyborgs on the Xbox and then we headed out to Centre Island for some beach fun. The rest of the day was spent seeing how much sand the boys could fit into their bathing suits (and all other sorts of places not to be mentioned!) and seeing how far wet sand can be thrown as opposed to dry sand. For the record, both can be thrown further than I thought!

And the biggest excitement of the vacation...Connor and Ty have learned to swim! Last night we headed down to the pool and before we had a chance to take off our shoes Connor jumped into the pool! A and I were both about to jump in to save the drowning child when he started swimming! We both stood there and stared at each other....when did that happen?!?!? Connor pulled himself out of the pool and looked at us like "what the hell is wrong with you people?!?!?!" Apparently he decided that Sunday was a good day to start swimming! Of course, Ty, not wanting to be outdone decided he too was going to start swimming. He all but drowned himself a few times, but he too is now a swimmer. A and I have come to two conclusions: 1 - we are going to be spending more time that we'd planned in the pool at the house and 2 - I gave birth to fish.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Vacation - Day 2

Another great (and sunny) day today! We spent the afternoon at a park/splash pad in Milton with a good friend of mine and her two beautiful boys. It's so much fun seeing the boys play with their friends, especially when their friends are younger. It is very heartwarming as a mother seeing your son teaching a little boy who is much younger than him how to properly hold a baseball glove or the best way to climb UP a slide. It makes me smile a bit on the inside to see them being so caring towards others.

I do need to remember to stop looking for the perfect moment to capture on film though and just enjoy the day. I finish the day feeling like I've missed out on something special because I was busy looking for the perfect moment to get a shot of. So, today's pictures are far from perfect...however, they do represent one of the "best days ever" according to the three boys.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Vacation - Day 1

Our vacation started today...and the boys had more fun before we even left the house! We spent the morning enjoying the first nice summer day since well...last summer, and it only took until August 1st! We let the boys go swimming and race around to burn off some energy before the LONG car ride to Toronto.

Considering we had 2 adults, 3 small children and enough luggage and "stuff" to sink a large ship we did pretty well. There were no major fights, no crying and no one lost a limb...or a life! So in my books that's a pretty good start to our vacation!

1 hour into the trip...

everyone is still (somewhat) happy....

3 hours into the trip...

...I still don't know how children sleep in the car!

Blowing off some steam after a very long car ride.