Monday, August 3, 2009

Vacation - Day 3

Today was not a day of huge plans, but just a take it easy kind of day...because isn't that what vacations are all about? A and I were both saying to eachother today that we're going to need a vacation from our vacation!

The boys (all 4 of them!) spent the first part of the morning killing cyborgs on the Xbox and then we headed out to Centre Island for some beach fun. The rest of the day was spent seeing how much sand the boys could fit into their bathing suits (and all other sorts of places not to be mentioned!) and seeing how far wet sand can be thrown as opposed to dry sand. For the record, both can be thrown further than I thought!

And the biggest excitement of the vacation...Connor and Ty have learned to swim! Last night we headed down to the pool and before we had a chance to take off our shoes Connor jumped into the pool! A and I were both about to jump in to save the drowning child when he started swimming! We both stood there and stared at each other....when did that happen?!?!? Connor pulled himself out of the pool and looked at us like "what the hell is wrong with you people?!?!?!" Apparently he decided that Sunday was a good day to start swimming! Of course, Ty, not wanting to be outdone decided he too was going to start swimming. He all but drowned himself a few times, but he too is now a swimmer. A and I have come to two conclusions: 1 - we are going to be spending more time that we'd planned in the pool at the house and 2 - I gave birth to fish.

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