I took a break in writing...like a few years worth of a break!
I had actually forgotten about this blog until someone mentioned it to me the other day, wanted to know if I was still writing. I said no and when they asked why I didn't really have an answer. My initial reaction was that I just didn't have anything to say, but that's a lie...I have a million things to say every single day. I usually just say them internally to out loud to myself when I'm driving to and from work/hockey/kids events every day.
So much has changed since I last wrote here in 2011 and yet so many things are still the same. It's still me and my crazy boys although they are significantly older now. Jacob is 13 and truly my little man. He is so thoughtful and caring while still trying to be a cool teenager. Connor is 11 going on 16 and has the attitude I always assumed Jacob would give me. As always he is the one who challenges me and reminds me that being a mother means always being able to think on your feet, especially under pressure! Ty is 10 and still my baby, although he is desperately trying to be a big kid like this brothers. He still loves to snuggle with me in the morning before school and that I am going to take as long as I can get it. We recently started going to church together and as I re-discover my own faith I'm so very much enjoying watching him find his own.
We bought and renovated an entire house, which was cool and crazy (and expensive!) all at once, but I truly love our home. Every inch of that space is ours and exactly the way I envisioned it. It's far from grand, but it's our home.
I recently met someone, a wonderful, incredible man who continues to shock me every day. Although the shock is more about me than him. Shocking to find someone who I could be totally and utterly in love with literally from the very beginning, from the moment we met. And yet here I am...2 months into a whirlwind romance loving him a little bit more every day and wondering how on earth it has taken me 35 (long) years to meet someone as incredible as this man. He has three incredible daughters whose personalities I am still trying to figure out, but so far I have to say they are in fact in the margin of very few children (outside of my own) that I enjoy spending time with! They are all small versions, in one way or other, of him - although I'm not sure that he sees it all the time.
He recently suffered 2 terrible tragedies...and as I struggle to figure out how to help support him through this difficult time I found myself thinking back to my writing and how in the past, getting word to paper always seemed to shed light on a situation. Perhaps not for some stranger reading, but more for me. I suppose I hope that I will hit the publish button and all the wisdom of the world will come to me. Or perhaps, this will merely be just another stream on consciousness out on the internet...but at the very least, a little bit of me out there.
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