Monday, July 6, 2009

Time out

So I took a time out last week. A time out from my life, and let me tell you I needed one. After the harrowing court experience and the emails that ensued I had pretty much hit my limit and needed to be away from my life. Fortunately I have another (part-time) home in downtown Toronto that I can get away to and often times forget about the crazy that is my life. Let me say, I don't forget about my whole life. I am slowly leaving things around the condo that are "me" and next weekend will be putting up pictures of the boys so that I don't miss them quite as much when they are gone. Being at my home in Toronto I am able to do all that fun kid-free stuff that rarely happens at home in Ottawa. I can go to Whole Foods and spend 2 hours wandering the isles (and yes, I've done that before!) or wander up to Starbucks and read an entire trashy magazine from cover to cover in one sitting. I still miss the boys terribly, but I have a bit more distraction and so I'm not thinking about them every five minutes (only every ten minutes!)

Fortunately I was able to set up some meetings in Toronto which at least kept me occupied during the day and I had my wonderful sleeping pills to keep me unconscious at night. When I get stressed out I stop sleeping, completely stop sleeping. I find it amazing how many days I can go without sleeping before I crash. And based on the last couple of weeks my stress level was at an all time high. The first night I took a sleeping pill and pretty much passed out and slept for about 13 hours...pretty much unheard of for me. I woke up the next morning a big hung over but feeling like I could at least cope with life. As the week progressed I was finally able to relax more and by the end of the week I was sleeping again (without the help of tranquillizers)

Another crazy thing that happened this week...Andrew and I spent 6 days together, and we both made it out alive! One of the problems with a long distance relationship is that we rarely spend more than 3 consecutive days together. This last week was the longest we'd ever spent together and I was actually a bit nervous going into it. On any other week it wouldn't have been a huge deal, but this week after the stress that I'd been under I wasn't a horribly nice person to be around. We made it...and we're still speaking to eachother! I should add that in my haze of sleepless nights and way too much nervous energy I started cooking and baking. I made all kinds of crazy treats and I'm now afraid that he's going to expect cooking like that all the time. So honey, if you're finally reading my blog...I'm not normally Martha Stewart so please don't get used to it!

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